Gifted & Talented

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At Slater Elementary, part of our mission is to meet the needs of all our students. Our advanced learners are challenged within the classroom by their homeroom teacher.

Each student that has been formally identified as a Gifted and Talented student, will write two goals. One is an academic goal and one is an affective goal. These goals are collaboratively developed with the student, family members, and the teacher. 

Each year 2nd Grade students in Jeffco take the CogAT test (Cognitive Abilities Test) in the Fall Semester. This assessment measures reasoning skills in three batteries: verbal, nonverbal and quantitative. The results help teachers identify a student's reasoning and problem solving skills to better meet their instructional needs in the classroom. 

Parent Resources

   GT Parent/Family  Learning Night 

                                         Seth Perler

     October 4, 2022 6:15-8:00pm
Use this form to register!



Homework (completing, turning in, forgetting details, procrastinating)
Grades (lower than expected, do not reflect ability)  
Organization (schoolwork or at home)  
Time management (late work, unrealistic perception of time needed to complete a task)   
Details (doesn’t follow teacher rubrics, not reading directions, not checking work)   
Preparation (forgets materials needed for class, practice, etc)   
Advocacy (doesn’t ask for help, clarification, doesn’t use teacher as a resource) 
Focus (can’t pay attention to one single thing, easily distracted)

If so, then there’s a good chance they are struggling with EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING.  Seth Perler will be sharing tips and strategies for parents/caregivers to help you understand the basics of Executive Functioning (EF) and how it is related specifically to gifted and twice-exceptional students.  From creating a home study environment, to organizing a desk or backpack, to digital strategies and tools, Seth can guide you through the process of creating practical structures to support your student both in school, and at home.




Seth Perler is a former teacher turned Executive Function, ADHD, Neurodiversity & 2e Speaker & Coach. His life is dedicated to helping struggling students learn to navigate school and life, so they can have a great quality of life now and a fantastic future, full of possibilities, choices and opportunities, where they can achieve their goals, develop their strengths, and contribute in ways that matter to them. Executive Function is key, and he created his site, and summit,  to give exceptional , yet unconventional tools to support children.



RESOURCES My Executive Function site and Freebies My Summit, Learn from Experts

My YouTube Channel

Watch "What is Executive Function?"

GT Center Application
The 2022 Fall GT Center Testing application window (for 2023-24) is now open until October 14 , 2022.  Testing will take place on Saturday, October 15 & Saturday, October 29. The application and testing is for GT Center placement for the 2023-24 school year.  Please access our website for more information.

Jeffco's Gifted and Talented Website

National Association for Gifted Children

GT Parent Academy

Jennifer Martin
Slater Elementary
Gifted and Talented Liaison
[email protected]

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